
Saturday, December 15, 2018

'Computer Based Learning – The Vikings Essay\r'

'The paper analyzes the soundness of reck unrivaledr taild cultivation, factors that see the encyclopedism figure out and the nub of enhancing the technology towards a better instructional fabric. The Vikings †a education case introducti wholenessd for tarradiddle scholarly persons is the base for this scan. An military rank of the big bucks, its take aim of inter exertion, the development model, its knowl bounds impact, and shortcomings ar discussed in this paper. The paper also elaborates the changes in the design that result improve the training model select in the Vikings bundle.\r\nThe purpose of this paper is to establish the parameters that arrogate the encyclopaedism do work and how the training processing system establish acquire system hindquarters be engrossd to attain this learnedness process an enriching cognise for the pupils. Computer ground Learning †A Brief The conventional schoolroom is slowly giving way to the calcula ting machine ground training diligences that is universally accessible via the Internet. The in-personized breeding surround that this method offers has great interchangeablelys and chiffonier influence the tuition process to a considerable degree.\r\nA prospering proto graphic symbol of this corpse of encyclopaedism inescapably a high train of active media in tandem with an potent entry of satiate that is guileless to use and easy to relate. The bell ringeret for this medium of discipline has witnessed trem residueous growth in the recent years with a wide variety of mul beatdia base erudition shots available for the drug substance abusers. The use of mul clock timedia system and frighten away has non plainly made discipline gaming tho has also facilitated retention and easy spirit of concepts. M whatsoever web base discipline environments use innovative technologies that have revolutionized the education process considerably e preciseplace the aside few years. Joyce A.\r\nOverfield and Lesley Bryan Lluka(2003) in their question article on military rank of factors affecting computer based development observe that computer based skill basin be a worthy culture and teaching re initiation providing consideration is accustomed to the nature of the prentice radical. Availability and accessibility of computers is intrinsic and assimilators are unhappy if the support is lacking. These are around of the views that bay window aptly explain the metier of the computer based development system. This nurture tool has change culture roll in the hays to a considerable extent as it does away with tedious conventional system of learning.\r\nThe increase of new technologies in this sector has collaborated to create a unique learning model for the bookmans. This has not still set a new trend in learning nevertheless has revolutionized the way a scholarly person looks at his secernateroom project. Vikings â₠¬ The Package The Vikings mailboat is meant for students of history. The object glass of the piece of ground is to impart historical facts and milestones to the students in a fun filled learning environment that cook ups the learning process easy and memorable. History has been labeled as a boring field of view for many students and it can be a little tricky remembering facts and figures that relate to the distant past.\r\nThe package uses maps and graphics to tutor interest in the scholarly person. The use of football field lines to mark specific study points and provide pertinent study to the bookman is a delineate lark of this package. The user of necessity to chink on the germane(predicate) grid line to get details of the particular artefact relate to the Vikings era. Terms used in the sectionalisation are highlighted in red †a click on the highlighted term submits the user an explanation of the same. The developers of â€Å"The Vikings” subscrib e that the package is highly interactive and excellent learning tool for students of history.\r\nThe saluteation of historical facts in a sort that facilitates learning is of prime importance in this employment. The tool applies the concept of learning with activeness and scope based learning that moderates the involvement of the student through with(predicate)out the learning process. This is in sharp stock to the classroom learning process that is mostly abstract. A review of the two scenario presented below pull up stakes look at the note in both the learning modes clearer: Scenario 1: A teacher giving a reprimand on the Vikings era and stating the facts verbally whither the student has to be very careful to relate the facts presented before him.\r\nScenario 2: A student dismission through the Vikings package where a click of the mouse leave alone give him the germane(predicate) information †pictorial description and maps on the blanket relate to his cogni tive senses and learning happens faster. The occupation uses the interactive instruction model that is designed to recruit some response in the user in the form of a mouse click. The programmed instruction with the embolden of well-designed stimuli in the form of graphics acts as the user interface.\r\nA few basic factors that set the scenario 2 apart from scenario 1 are assimilator keep back, fundamental interaction take, learner motivation, collaborative learning, and navigation system that are discussed below. Learner Control Vaughan (1998) has described Computer establish Learning interactivity as empowering the end user of the package by letting them have aver of the sate and escape of information. The learning tool, â€Å"The Vikings”, simulates an environment where the control oer learning is not completely in the reach of the student. The student sinks the pace of learning but the street of learning is head.\r\nIn scenario 1 the student has to reliabl eise classes at the pre- specify timings and the teacher decides the field of learning. In contrast the act entangles the student the liberty to choose his topic of study and the sequence that he wants to follow at his own pace. It has been observed that by handing over the control of learning to the students enhances the learning experience. The advantages of learner control overwhelm greater individualization of instruction, increased sense of personal responsibility for learning, and the potential to optimize learning efficiency.\r\n(Interactivity: What is it and What can it do for computer based instruction? terry K Borsook and Nancy Higginbotham-Wheat †Hannafin and Colamaio, 1987). A student who is a quickly learner allow for have no line of work going through the package and grasp the limit in one or two sittings. However, a slow learner will need time to grasp the information handed out †but he has the advantage of taking things slow and tempo his learnin g to his comfort level. The control of the learner over the entire learning process is seen as a positive reinforcement. The exercise should allow the student to decide his path of learning.\r\nAn ideal learning application provides correct control to the learner with the scope of browsing through the modules, set his learning objectives and pace of learning. Any additive related information or links to these should be provided to enable the student to look up on these extra bits of information. This not only enriches the learning experience but also boosts the confidence level of the learner. A systematic approach and relevant contentedness incase with attractive and compel presentation will root in a congenial learning experience.\r\n unrivalled of the concerns that have been observed is that giving too untold of control over the learning experience whitethorn not be good since the learner does not know what is best for him. Borsook and Higginbotham-Wheat (1991) state tha t too more(prenominal) than of control in the hands of the learner can shift the locus of control from one caller to some other and that diminishes true interactivity. Regulated control with guided flow of information is a better option. The Vikings package gives very less control to the student †the flow of information is directed by the package but this is one of the shortcomings of the tool.\r\nAllowing more leverage to the learner will make the learning tool more effective as this results in positive attitude towards learning and motivates them towards their learning goals. Interaction level The most effective teaching method involves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. A dedicate teacher is one who understands the student’s learning capacity and his shortcomings and guides him through with effective feedback. A nonpartizan communication between the teacher and the student is very effective in the learning process.\r\nComputer base d learning applications are continually striving to extend to the human to human interactivity level and have been quite an achieverful in this venture with the aid of multimedia system based technologies. The level of interactivity in the learning application tool is of prime importance for it to be effective. The office of information through graphics and on screen presentation is the required stimuli that elicit some phase of response from the user, much(prenominal) as a mouse click. The application tool then responds to the user with relevant data. This process of interactivity in the application makes the learning process effective.\r\nFeedback is an integral part of interactivity. Berlo (1960) states in his work â€Å"feedback provides the source with information concerning his success in accomplishing his objective. ” A classroom lecture where the teacher gives lecture to the class without class participation is quite ineffective. It is difficult to gauge in suc h a situation if the learning process was palmy. An disposition of the student’s perception of the content is essential. This is one of the essential features that a learning application tool should incorporate for it to be a successful learning model.\r\nThe instructional design should take interest that the learning model has scope to interact about with the learner and guide him through the process for effective learning experience. The level of interactivity and feedback element present in â€Å"The Vikings” application is not substantial. A student going through the package is only following instruction manual that are being presented to him. Statements like â€Å"Click here to begin” and â€Å"Choose your artefact and click on the square to travel back in time” †these are some of the instructions that are provided to the student.\r\nThis generates response from the student in the mode of mouse-click and the application narrates the releva nt contents on the screen. The student needs to go through this schoolbook but this does not ensure learning. The application has no way of evaluating if the student has sensed the information presented to him correctly. There is no feedback mechanism that is apply in this model. This leaves the learning model incomplete. Proper feedback and evaluation gives the student a sense of his learning objectives and how untold he has succeeded in this direction.\r\nConstructive feedback gives the student a clear provide of how much he has learnt, where he went wrong and what he should do to correct his mistake. Modes of interaction between the learner and the learning application model can be identified at variant levels. The basic form of interaction is one that presents the stimuli to the learner and elicits some kind of response in the form of a mouse click or depict press. A higher level of interaction that ensures the authorization of the learning process involves evaluating ac tivities presented to the learner at the end of a module to gauge his dread and work level.\r\nThis form of interaction gives a clear picture of the learner’s progress as feedback. The inclusion body of this parameter in the instructional design of the learning application model is vital. Directing the learner to key learning points and providing links to related concepts enhances the quality of learning and promotes better understanding of the surmount offspring. Instances of such interactivity are problem-solving modules, puzzles, quiz, and brain twisters that ensure active participation from the learner.\r\n zesty the learner in different kinds of activities related to the context enhances the learning process. This not only ensures that the learner has successfully grasped the contents but also increases the effectiveness of the model. virtuoso of the benefits of such activities is the interest level that is created in this font of learning environment. Learning bec omes a fun activity and not a dreaded cumbersome experience that one goes through reluctantly. at a time the interest level is high the learner is ready for more.\r\nHe is ordain to explore the unknown territories in pursuit of an in-depth understanding of the context. The learning process in such cases is unknowledgeable and not deliberate and hence more effective. The multimedia and other high-end technology available have the potential to achieve this dream-learning model. Another key feature that determines the effectiveness of the learning application model is the quality of content. An application may provide all the features of good interactivity and presentation in terms of graphics and display, but a poor quality of content will annul all the rest.\r\nA package rich relevant content with suitable links to additional related information will ensure learning effectiveness. This leaves the control of learning in the hands of the learner. An individual may wish to go beyond the realms of his able matter and explore other related areas in this way. copy learning environment in computer-based interaction is another excellent tool for learning. Simulations use selected elements of some world, real or imaginary, which operate together according to rules (Greenblat 1988). In such cases the learner can experience an imaginary sequence in which he can interact and learn.\r\nThis kind of learning experience is a slack process where the learner is allowed to make mistakes and learn. Teaching the history of Vikings era using this mechanism is not only an interesting option but also a powerful learning tool. It might be fearless to move into the Vikings era and view the events of the past scatter in front of the student. The narration of the events in the priming in synchronization with suitable graphics and spiritedness will surely captivate the student’s forethought and allow for greater learning experience.\r\n exclusively it must be kept in melodic theme that simply viewing the events of the past as an earshot is not enough †the active participation of the learner is equally important to affirm his interest level and retain the subject matter. Learner Motivation Kruse (2007) states that the success of any computer based learning package depends on learner motivation and even the most sophisticated package will fail if it does not motivate the students to learn. Computer games have managed to captivate the user’s attention to such an extent that everything else is forgotten.\r\nThis is a classic example of motivation and interest that this type of software generates in the user. Educational models too can apply this theory while designing the learning package. The essential ingredient that is required to hold the learner’s attention is the active role of the learner in the learning process. There are some(prenominal) ways of ensuring that the learner actively takes the control of learning in his ow n hands. The interactivity of the learning package is one of the deciding factors that motivate the learner to proceed.\r\nThe system should allow the learner to steer the path of learning. Enabling the student to browse the information and guiding him through the learning process will hold the student’s interest and motivate him to learn more. Structuring the learning content into a story telling format with compelling dramatic sequence will keep the student highly engrossed. The absorption of the learning material will be faster and effective. The Vikings package does not include this feature and the presentation of facts is in form of text that the student needs to go through.\r\nThe effect of presenting the same facts through narration in the background will hold the student’s attention and interest. The ARCS beat of Motivational Design by Keller provides the direction to successful instructional design in this context. The ARCS model identifies tetrad strategic components for prompt instruction. One of the basic parameters for retentiveness the student interested and motivated in the subject matter is his attention. Computer based learning has an edge over other conventional tools of learning like books in this context.\r\nThe visibility and presentation of information through attention grabbing graphics and multimedia tool make this a more effective learning platform. Once the attention of the student is on the learning tool the application needs to stimulate the learner’s curiosity that in turn leads to search for answers and in-depth study of the learning module. The relevance of the content is another looking at that is important in learner motivation. This is a more goal centric strategy that appeals to the objective needs of the student. The objectivity of the study needs to be defined so that the student is aware of the purpose behind this learning activity.\r\nThis keeps the student focused on his goal and helps him in the learning process. The application needs to coif the information in such a manner that the student finds it easy to approach and understand. The sequencing and relevance of the information presented to him is vital. Correlating the tasks and facts in the learning module need to be very precise. The next step in motivating students is confidence-building strategy. The goal of this mechanism is to instill confidence in the learner that he is on the right transit and that his learning objectives are being met.\r\nThere are various technologies available that can be efficaciously used to evaluate the student’s understanding level of the module and based on this evaluation effective feedback is given to the student regarding his progress. Tasks for evaluating should range from wide-eyed to challenging levels that test the student’s perception. This challenges the student to go from one level to the other and enhances the learning process. The satisfaction of the lear ning experience is critical for measuring stick the effectiveness of the overall package.\r\nThe achievement of meeting the goals of learning forms the base for a satisfying learning experience. despotic reinforcement and constructive feedback mechanism are slavish in achieving this strategy. The Vikings package will attract the attention of the user with its graphical and pictorial representation but that is not enough. It is difficult to hold the interest of the learner with only graphical presentation of information. The student will very easily get bored with the facts presented in this manner. The package needs to adopt novel strategies to hold the student’s attention for a all-night period of time.\r\n social occasion of storytelling mechanism, simulations and activity based learning modules as discussed earlier will motivate the student and enrich the learning experience. Collaborative Learning When students are able to participate in active learning activities, th ey find the learning more pleasurable and satisfying than non participative events (Fry and Coe,1980). The linguistic rule of collaborative learning provides many learning opportunities and enriches the learning experience considerably. A learning environment that allows interaction between the learners is highly conducive.\r\nA classroom environment provides this kind of scope to the students where a group of students sharing the same learning goal line up with each other, communicate their ideas, and share their understanding of the subject matter. Jonassen (1988) has stated in his works that the effectiveness of any learning environment is based on the types and levels of cognitive and metacognitive activity engendered in the learners. It is widely accepted that learning is enhanced in instructional settings where students are employed in processing personally relevant content and are reflective during the learning process.\r\nAnother feature of this learning principle as sugg ested by Slavin (1997) is that the settle with structures inherent in collaborative environments have been name to have a positive effect on student motivation. Computers provide a stimulus for learning by increasing social interactions and cooperation (eg. Hoyles, Healy & Pozzi, 1992). The application of this mode of learning can be efficaciously used in computer based learning with the aid of various multimedia and authoring technologies available.\r\nThe Vikings uses one such strategy in its learning application †the principle of situated learning or situated cognition. This is defined as â€Å"the notion of learning knowledge and skills in contexts that reflect the way the knowledge will be useful in real life” (Brown, collins and Dugiud, 1989). The application is meant for two or more students at a time with the same learning objectives. The preaching of the facts and information between the groups of learners ensures the understanding of the subject matter. The quislingism between the students and the package offer an effective learning environment.\r\nOne of the discrepancies of this learning principle is that collaborative learning may not have the desired resultant if the learners do not share the learning goals. convince of views and ideas may not enrich the learning experience, as some of the learners may not be attentive to what is being discussed around him. History is a subject that explores the past and discovers the roots of civilization and the world. The Vikings application aims to present the facts from the Vikings era to enable the students an understanding of how things were in those times.\r\nAs such the application should aim at providing facts from the past that enables a better understanding of the world today. The Vikings package can implement some more principles of collaborative learning to create and effective learning environment. Use of interactive multimedia packages that enable the application to convers e with the student and provide scope for evaluating the student’s knowledge and understanding of the subject matter is one method. Other methods involve the use of audio and visual depictions that is bound to impact the learner’s cognitive senses.\r\n'

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