
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Software Engineering :: essays research papers

draw 5 Good Neighbors CampaignProject translation Develop a entropybase to keep track of 20 information points for each of USCs 10,000 employees for the prehistorical 10 years (and years to come). This database would carry to have the ability to contract reports based on various queries in order to answer questions about donation trends among the University employees.Team MembersDavid Stark David Jeng Steven Cao Jamal Madni amourAggie AfarineshCampaign Finance Manager/Program SpecialistOffice of international trafficUniversity of Southern California(213) 740-7400 afarinesusc.eduCSCI 477Project DeliverablesOperational Concept Description1.1 SummaryThe Good Neighbors Campaign (GNC) is an annual giving campaign for the lag and faculty of the University of Southern California. Funds raised by this campaign ar granted to nonprofit community organizations located in the University Park and wellness Sciences Campus neighborhoods. These funds go toward community development, eco nomic development, health education and support, humanistic discipline education, and after school programs for children. The University Of Southern California Office Of External Relations (USC OER) is feeling for a database that roll in the hay store all current and historic donations. They would also like a program or system that can streamline data collection as well as generate reports to track campaign effectiveness. Long-term goals include an easy user porthole for the donation process.The system is being built because over the past 10 years, the OER has collected a plethora of data and needs an efficient system of interacting and analyzing donation trends. They also would like to have this system implemented for the succeeding(a) campaign drive in fall 2005. At the moment, all data entry is done by hand by a exclusive person. Also, the only way to interact with the database is through one administrators computer. The current process also poses a large podecadetial of human error that could significantly compromise the databases integrity. The new system pass on reduce the error and time of data entry. It will generate reports more easily and flexibly as well as inform section heads about the donation of their employees. It will also provide this functionality through a user friendly web interface.1.1.1 Original Description from ClientThe OER is looking for a database that can integrate all of the donation history for the past ten years. This would include data points for each employee for each of the past ten years. All employee information must be accessed through the payroll department.1.1.2 organizational GoalsGoal IdentifierOG-1Organizational GoalIncrease donationsMeasurableSince donations are sworn annually, donations will be measured with respect to previous years.

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