
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Oversea Greed Essay -- Dutch Republic, The Netherlands

The Netherlands have been a long time bighearted and rich land. The country opened the Bank of Amsterdam and ran a major trade commerce incomparable to any other. Although small, the territory bore a perfect harbor for ships of the time. Up until the late 17th century the Dutch Republic had a successful nation, unified under a well-fixed economy. When England and other alliances shifted, the Dutch Republic would experience immense turmoil. Englands reason behind allying with the Spanish was solely for personal economic gain and advocate, by destroying the Dutch champion and economy it left room for England to become the well-nigh powerful commerce.The Dutch economy was devastated by the military force of abroad countries. England wiped out over 2,000 Dutch ships within twenty days (Document 3). Having a border across a sea from the Dutch Republic do it easier for the English to demolish the Dutchs naval fleet than it was for France who was forestall by the Spanish Netherl ands. In fact, the travel guidebooks the Dutch took for trade to Africa and the East Indies went at once past England, many naval battles were held in this straight (Document 1). The only relatively safe path from England the Dutch could distribute for a trade route was to the Baltic Sea, but even this routes trade decreased by approximately 45% over the span of 50 years (Document 2). With a lack of trade the Dutch fell into financial debt rapidly, in just twenty years the Dutch Republic was in more or less 150,000,000 guilders of debt (Document 12). None of the provinces could handle this debt except Holland which included Amsterdam, the most successful centre of trade in all of Europe. However, not even Hollands riches could save the Dutch. With the constant financial burdens and ba... ...e Dutch Republics despair, so did some of Asia, such as the Portuguese, Chinese, and Muslims (Document 13). The Dutch Republic feared the other kings who face more and more to scheme ho w to ruin what remains of the trade and to take over part of it for themselves (Document 7). Not only did England increase her own power by destroying the Dutch Republic, the nation had such a powerful business of trade other countries took the Dutch wealth for themselves.England had no intention to help France they only wanted more money and power for themselves. This decision resulted in more power for other countries. Although the Dutch suffered greatly, lost national unity and security, and their economy crashed, the balance of power was checked. Ultimately the Dutch power had to bar eventually for the balance of power to remain equal amongst European and Asian nations.

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